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The Achiever NewsletterCreativity for SuccessA recent increase in contacts about our Creative Innovation seminar and keynote presentation from both Fortune 500 companies and Entrepreneurial start-ups illustrates the fact that the business world is finally recognizing the value of a creative mind. In today's very competitive, chaotic marketplace your product and/or service MUST stand out among your competitors if you hope to thrive and survive. If you doubt this cruel reality, stroll through your local shopping mall and note the growing number of obvious vacancies. This same trend can be found in suburban plazas, strip malls, and downtown locales. Today's choice: Distinct or Extinct! Whether you know it or like it, you're moving toward one of those destinations every day. The choice is yours! Over the past few years, we've witnessed a rapid increase in the creative investment in automotive technology, food packaging, communication, home entertainment, travel, and many other areas. According to IBM's most recent global study, the majority of CEOs believe the key to navigating today's volatile, uncertain and increasingly complex business environment is creativity. However, is this just business leaders talking the talk or are 21st-century businesses really committed to being creative? As usual, you're going to find leaders on both sides of that equation. However, those who invest the time, money, and energy in tapping the creative potential of their existing staff will soon find a decisive advantage in the marketplace. Ultimately then, leaders will be faced to realize that it is people we must invest in before buildings, products and technology. Are you focusing on the critical need to provide your people with the tips, tools, strategies, and training necessary to take advantage of their creative potential? If not, call us at 800-886-2629 to learn more about the many options we offer to assist you in your pursuit of creative excellence.
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