The Achiever Newsletter
Some of the Many Hats He Wears
Like many business leaders in the world today,
Dr. Jeffrey W. Drake plays many roles in the AchieveMax®
company ... and he has the actual hat collection to go along with those
Any seminar participant knows that Jeff's hat
collection is a key part of his presentations. But the original idea for
having hats related to seminar themes surfaced just two years ago.
The hat collection started at an E&A Credit Union
seminar, "Getting Back on Track." Since E&A
had recently gone through a merger, this seminar dealt with getting the
credit union back on track, using railroad paraphernalia to stress key
points. For the occasion, Jeff wore a railroad engineer's cap, focusing
on getting the credit union back on track and explaining what reengineering
is. That's where it all started.
From then on, Jeff has continued to collect hats for seminars as well
as receive them as gifts from participants and clients. The collection
currently consists of more than two dozen caps/hats, including the coach's
cap for discussing managers as coaches and empowered employees. Other
hats include a three-cornered revolutionary hat for describing business
revolutions and the baseball cap with two visors detailing why leadership
can't go two ways. (Leaders need to decide if they will cling on to
traditional "command and control" tactics or adopt "coaching"
tactics to use with their empowered employees in self-managed teams.)
now even the audience is getting into the act! Recently, the Controller's
Office staff at Michigan State University surprised Jeff with their own
cap collection. On the second day of the C-Team seminar, Jeff walked into
the room to find everyone in the audience wearing a hat! The hats ranged
from cowboy hats to hard hats to baseball caps.
It was a delightful surprise for Jeff. "It was
then that I realized how much of an impact the hats have made for the
audience. They're always wondering what type of cap I'll be wearing
Publication Date: Spring 1996