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Leadership Modules

Developing Team Performance

The AchieveMax® team has 28 Leadership Modules. Clients may select from any or all of the five areas:

Clients usually begin by selecting modules from the Core Cluster. Then they select modules from the next area or areas of greatest need. The modules are tailored to the client's specific needs.

All seminar and keynote programs are customized to meet your organization's needs.  Our seminars can be scheduled for half-day, full-day, or multiple-day sessions.  Keynote presentations can be scheduled according to your organization's needs. Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at .

  • Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities
    Successful teams simply don't "just happen." If you hope to lead a productive team of any kind, you must be able to manage the "dynamics" at work within the team. One of the most valuable tools available to you can be found in the key actions of this particular module. They outline a strategy that can be utilized when developing a new team or revitalizing an existing team. A step-by-step procedure for clarifying team roles and responsibilities is outlined and emphasized for participants.

  • Peer Partnering
    Organizations today encourage internal competition which makes it very difficult for employees to view each other as partners. Too many employees view their peers as competitors, rather than resources. This module explains the importance and strength of peer collaboration which will result in the achievement of both personal and organizational goals.

  • Partnering with Management
    Employee-manager relationships are often one-sided. Managers are expected to instruct, lead, dictate, provide resources, and resolve problems. This module suggests and provides guidelines to create a collaborative relationship that encourages joint problem-solving and communication tactics. Successfully accomplished, this new spirit of collaboration will result in increased productivity and profitability for everyone involved.

  • Productive Team Building
    This program provides participants with the skills, knowledge, and guidelines to build winning teams by improving each person's team leadership and team membership skills. Participants learn how to increase their personal influence on team decision making and problem solving in a positive manner. Ideas and skills developed in this module can be used immediately on the job in all team situations.

  • Maximizing Your Meetings
    Most meetings last too long, produce little or nothing, and create more frustration than results. This module will provide guidelines to improve the quality of your meetings, increase individual effectiveness, save time, and actually make the meeting more enjoyable for all in attendance. Regardless of the objectives of your meeting, the number of people involved, or the kind of organization in which you work, this system can easily be adapted to your needs.

  • Problem Solving
    This program introduces a unique, simplistic approach to problem solving and decision making that has proven to be extremely successful in dealing with a wide variety of problems in diverse situations. Group participation, demonstration, insight, and interaction play key roles in the continued success of this program. Participants will return to the workplace with the knowledge and tools to deal with problems with they may be facing.

Keynote and seminar speaker Harry K. Jones

Professional speaker Jeffrey W. Drake, Ph.D.

The AchieveMax® team of professional speakers celebrates its 35th year in business in 2015.
Thank you to all our customers for allowing us to "Achieve the Maximum®" for their businesses and organizations.

For more information on our seminars and keynote presentations,
please call 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at .
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