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Leadership Modules

Communicating for Productivity and Profitability

The AchieveMax® team has 28 Leadership Modules. Clients may select from any or all of the five areas:

Clients usually begin by selecting modules from the Core Cluster. Then they select modules from the next area or areas of greatest need. The modules are tailored to the client's specific needs.

All seminar and keynote programs are customized to meet your organization's needs.  Our seminars can be scheduled for half-day, full-day, or multiple-day sessions.  Keynote presentations can be scheduled according to your organization's needs.  Please call us within the U.S. at 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at .

  • Communicating for Results
    If you believe that your personal objective as a leader is to get results, you'll certainly appreciate the importance of communicating clearly, in a manner that motivates your people instead of confusing them or making them resentful. The big difference in people, their organizations and their competitive vitality is how well they communicate with one another. This module provides guidelines on how a leader can effectively communicate to employees, peers, and management while avoiding breakdowns in communications.

  • Listening Techniques
    Listening is the form of communication most often employed during an average day. Psychologists tell us that the average person, during a typical day, spends 42% of the time listening, 32% talking, 15% reading, and 11% writing. They also tell us that we miss about 85% of what we do hear. This module stresses the fact that listening is an active process that is critical to performing well as a leader. Key actions are provided to enhance the participants' ability to listen more productively.

  • Critical Information Gathering
    A history of "fighting fires" in an organization may sometimes cause a leader to make snap judgments that lead to even greater problems. The ability to gather quality, in-depth information is a critical skill that is seldom taught to today's aspiring leaders. This module offers guidelines for effectively gathering the required information that will result in making the most productive decision - regardless of the situation.

  • Communicating Ideas
    Much of a leader's effectiveness is often measured by his/her ability to successfully communicate a thought or idea. It may involve presenting a new innovative approach, giving directions, or defining policies and procedures. Leaders are not born with this skill - it must be developed through preparation and practice. This module provides a game plan to follow to insure that your idea is fully understood - whether written or spoken, delivered to an individual or a large group.

  • Managing Time and Tasks
    True time management has little, if anything, to do with the clock - the secret to managing time is controlling events rather than minutes and hours. Participants will learn the importance of utilizing Time Spheres and Action Grids; establishing, enhancing, and maintaining powerful internal and external networks; and the power of proper delegation.

  • Setting Goals for Productivity
    While most everyone professes to understand and utilize goal-setting techniques, research finds the opposite to be true. Research also reveals that those who have consistently used goal-setting techniques have excelled in every aspect of their lives. This module defines the various types of goals, provides 12 basic guidelines for goal-setting, identifies obstacles, and reveals the power of networking, visualization, and action planning.

Keynote and seminar speaker Harry K. Jones

Professional speaker Jeffrey W. Drake, Ph.D.

The AchieveMax® team of professional speakers celebrates its 35th year in business in 2015.
Thank you to all our customers for allowing us to "Achieve the Maximum®" for their businesses and organizations.

For more information on our seminars and keynote presentations,
please call 800-886-2MAX or send us an e-mail at .
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