Times Are Changing …. Are You?

In our recent Customer Service Boot Camp Tour, we devoted a great deal of time, energy and focus on critical aspects such as Trigger Events, Cycle of Service, Functional Blindness, Raving Fans, Vigilante Consumers, the Service Triangle, the Knowing-Doing Gap and the importance of Re-framing in today’s competitive, chaotic, and ever-changing business environment.

This year we’ve found a large number of both positive and negative examples to support our many messages. Pause to observe media reports and you’ll gain immeasurable experience and guidance to expedite your journey to success.

For instance, consider the rise and fall of both Blockbuster and Netflix to discover crucial knowledge to benefit your own business.

  • Blockbuster began in 1985 as a provider of home video and video game rental services.
  • At its peak in 2009, Blockbuster had up to 60,000 employees in 1,700 Blockbuster stores in the U.S. with locations in 17 countries worldwide.
  • In 1993, Blockbuster Viacom purchased Blockbuster. Blockbuster separated from Viacom in 2004.
  • The company filed for bankruptcy in 2010 and was won by satellite television provider Dish Network at auction for $233 million in 2011.
  • Dish soon announced it would only keep 500 Blockbuster stores open. At its peak, Blockbuster had more than 4,000 stores nationwide.

We continue to see this familiar rise and fall of businesses for a variety of reasons in most every industry.

Some say cable killed Blockbuster. It wasn’t cable that’s hurt Blockbuster; it was NetFlix’s rent movies by mail and RedBox’s rent movies by vending machine. (Can you say no labor costs and low overhead?)

Layer in the fact that in the 1990s late fees represented approximately 50% of net income for Blockbuster, which Blockbuster was ultimately forced to surrender, and you can see why Blockbuster was having serious problems.

What Blockbuster really needs to do is 1) forget the past and 2) re-invent itself for the future. Don’t expect that to happen.

Is the same pattern emerging at Netflix?

  • Netflix was founded in 1998, offering flat-rate rental-by-mail to U.S. customers. It was originally a single rental service, but the subscription model was one of a few radical ideas Netflix created. Having unlimited due dates and no late fees has worked in a powerful way and now seems obvious (to everyone but Blockbuster).
  • Netflix has amassed a collection of 100,000 titles and more than 23 million subscribers. Even if Blockbuster were able to catch up to NetFlix in movie rentals by mail, it’s too late.

NetFlix basically announced through its actions that the DVD by mail business will soon be obsolete, and movie delivery by Internet is its new focus.

Something like 60%+ of NetFlix customers watched at least one movie delivered via the Internet in the past 30 days.

NetFlix recently signed a deal to license movies for Internet delivery for a total deal size of $1 billion for a five-year plan. Initially, that sounds like a lot of money until you consider what Netflix has been paying for postage!

Just as Netflix seemed to have total control of the industry, it announced that subscription prices were increasing, some by as much as 60%, a move which led to reported customer backlash, cancellations, less than projected subscriber growth, and a decline in stock price.

This price hike caused 805,000 paid subscribers to jump ship in one quarter …. the biggest exodus in its history!

Netflix announced that it would spin off its popular DVD business under a new brand name, Qwikster, leading to even more customer and market confusion. Netflix reversed the decision less than a month later.

What happens now? Not even Netflix appears to know, although millions of customers and all investors are watching with interest.

Return now to the first paragraph of this article and consider the true application of our focus in our Customer Service Boot Camp! Trigger Events, Cycle of Service, Functional Blindness, Raving Fans, Vigilante Consumers, the Service Triangle, and the Knowing-Doing Gap have all surfaced in this ongoing chronicle of errors by two colossal players in a major industry. They will affect YOU as well … regardless of your size and status.

If the economy is 30% different today than three years ago but your company has only changed by 10%, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that someone is in the process of being left behind. Take steps today to insure your future!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Buckle Your Seatbelts … Creative Juices Are Flowing!

Now that we can speed through commercials on our DVRs, many advertisers are frustrated in their battle for our attention. They may have found an answer to that dilemma.

If you’re a frequent flyer, as I am, you are about to become a member of a large “captive audience” that will soon be exposed to more advertising than any other segment of our population!

It’s bad enough that the entire journey from your home or office to your airplane seat is paved with advertising messages … billboards, newspapers, ads in taxis or buses, ticket kiosks, on airport walls and digital screens, in jet ways, and even on baggage carousels.

However, a new wave of unusual target opportunities is now available for advertisers that are assured a captive audience. Consider the fact that we sit there in an environment where cell phones are turned off and we’re pretty much stationary having to focus on visible ads for an average of three hours.

Now that the FAA has approved this campaign, you can very soon expect to see ads on seat pockets, seat backs and tray tables, napkins, flight attendants’ aprons, snack boxes, bulk heads, boarding passes, ticket jackets, in safety videos and even in announcements by the flight crews. Can you imagine hearing: “This seat belt demonstration brought to you by Ford Motor Co.”

Spirit Airlines, AirTran Airways,and Delta Air Lines are three of the first U.S. airlines to take advantage of every inch of in-flight display space to generate ancillary revenue by renting display space to advertisers.

Onboard Media Group has created a system that allows the airline to change ad messages quickly. They’re hoping to reach two million passengers a month on AirTran using this out-of-the-box leap for a broader market.

Delta is already showing Lincoln automobile commercials prior to their pre-flight safety video.

And for a cool $14 million, you can advertise on the exterior of every Spirit Airlines jet.

If that’s too steep, consider plunking down $196,000 for three months of ads on the overhead bins in Spirit’s planes, $119,000 for ads on their tray tables, or $18,500 for ads on, are you ready, their air-sickness bags.

Many marketing experts are warning that this encroachment on the privacy of an already stressed customer segment may very well backfire on both the airlines and the advertisers. We’ll soon see. Until then, this effort is another example of creative thinking by many who have felt the pressure of an ever-changing, chaotic, and competitive marketplace.

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Bet You Didn’t Even Notice Customer Service Week!

Last week was Customer Service Week … an international event devoted to recognizing the importance of customer service and honoring the people who work on the front lines serving and supporting customers.

In 1992 the U.S. Congress proclaimed Customer Service Week a nationally recognized event as well. It’s celebrated annually the first week in October.

Or is it? I saw absolutely no evidence of it in the five states I happened to be traveling in over those seven days!

In past years, I have always tried to provide a blog article during the last week of September to prepare our clients for this special week. In those articles I have shared a variety of advertising, marketing, and celebration activities which can be used in hopes of gaining full advantage of this promotional week.

This year I decided to pass. I wanted to try something a little different by simply observing which organizations might celebrate and utilize this very obvious occasion.

I sadly found nothing … and I can’t blame it on the fact that I happened to be working in an area which simply fell short on their efforts. I happened to be in five different states that week and still saw nothing.

  • Nothing on television.
  • Nothing on the radio.
  • Nothing on the Internet including Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • No billboards on the side of the road.
  • Nothing in my mailbox.
  • Nothing in the newspapers.
  • Nothing in any magazine.
  • No banners in the windows of an store.
  • No signs inside any store, restaurant, etc.
  • No Customer Service Week specials being offered.

What happened?

There are actually dozens, maybe even hundreds, of ways that Customer Service Week could have been promoted to increase customer traffic, awareness, sales, image enhancement, etc. And yet … nothing.

Maybe we were all too busy complaining and crying about the economy, rising prices, taxes, government leadership, fair trade, loss of customer loyalty, competition, and the growing number of reasons on which we can blame our declining business results.

Obviously, there’s nothing that can be done about that first week in October of 2011. It’s dead and gone. Far too many missed the opportunity. However, maybe it can serve as a valuable, however costly, lesson for us.

Next year we can rally everyone in the organization in hopes of coming up with new, creative ideas in which to celebrate Customer Service Week … ways which will send a message that we DO, indeed, value and appreciate those who have permitted us to serve them. Let’s let them all know that our doors are always open and that we realize we have no business without them.

It’s time many businesses wake up and realize what it really takes to maintain and grow a business in today’s ever-growing chaotic and competitive business environment. There is no existing success formula that doesn’t include “customer” in some way.

Personally, I don’t think there should be a Customer Service Week! I feel we’d be much more successful if there were only a Customer Service DAY, and we honored and celebrated it 365 days a year!

What did your organization do this year during Customer Service Week?

Will you be around to celebrate the next one?

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Customer Service Dilemma

I just don’t get it!

I never have!

I doubt if I ever will!

We’ve been successfully touring the country for quite some time now with our Customer Service Boot Camp. It didn’t take long to recognize a very evident common thread among those organizations that experienced this intensive training event: Few of them actually needed it!

Don’t misunderstand …

  • Everyone learned a great deal.
  • They gained new tips, tools, and strategies.
  • They’ll be much better off for the experience.
  • They grew as individuals and as organizations.

However, the majority of those who chose to invest their time, energy, and money in this experience were already doing a good job when it comes to serving their customers and clients! That’s so often the case.

Jim Collins, in his best-seller Good to Great, states that “Good is the enemy of Great! The vast majority of companies never become great precisely because they become quite good — and that’s their main problem!”

Those who attended our Customer Service Boot Camp did so because they were focused on attaining that elusive level of GREATNESS! They thirst for knowledge. They strive for C.A.N.I. (Continuous And Never-ending Improvement). There was no cost involved in this program as they viewed it as an investment, which it surely is!

Sadly, those who most need this customer service training are those who did not attend! … as is almost always the case! Their reasons are many but always extremely weak … no money, no time, other projects, etc. None, by the way, is as important as preparing their employees to better serve those who keep them in business.

Think of those many companies, in every industry, that boast that “the customer is our reason for existing,” “the customer is the boss,” or “the customer is always right”! In most cases, it’s nothing more than lip service! Their true challenge lies first in translating these slogans into actions which can convince customers that they are indeed sincere.

Their second challenge lies in getting their customer contact people trained to convey that sincerity to those they serve! These employees are usually the lowest paid people in the organization and almost always the least trained — and yet they are those chosen to face the customer day in and day out! That simply doesn’t make sense!

Consider the fact that a multibillion-dollar fast food operation places its success squarely in the hands of minimum-wage teenagers taking orders, handling money, and delivering the food!

In addition, the image of a multibillion-dollar bank relies on entry-level tellers to handle day-to-day transactions which determine the image of the organization.

Most criticism of multibillion-dollar government agencies are judged largely by the receptionist who answers the phone, greets the customers, answers questions, or transfers the calls … thus setting the tone for any transaction which may follow.

Regardless of job title, education, experience, or position in the organization, the number one task of everyone in the company should always be to attract, satisfy, and preserve customers — this is NOT rocket science. And yet, in today’s very competitive, highly chaotic, environment, very few excel in this critical mission which leads to success for anyone truly focused on the attainment of GREATNESS.

When are those slackers going to wake up, provide the EXPECTATIONS, TRAINING, ACCOUNTABILITY, and CONSEQUENCES that will certainly lead to greater customer service and desired success?

I just don’t get it! I never have! I doubt if I ever will!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Validation – A Powerful Strategy in Trying Times!

From time to time, I find myself blessed with an experience which inspires and enlightens me while renewing my faith in the human spirit. Just such an experience revealed itself to me this morning by way of a phone call from one of our clients.

I have his permission to share this unusual story as long as I don’t reveal the name of the organization … for obvious reasons.

Several months ago, I was asked to present a customized version of our often-requested “Productive Chaos” seminar. Over the years, we’ve presented various versions of this popular program to thousands of clients across a wide variety of industries from coast to coast. However, this request was rather unique.

The majority of previous presentations have been to those in leadership positions at various levels in the organizations we serve. This particular client requested that we share that same relevant content with his frontline staff! Here’s why he felt it was so important to do so.

  • These are challenging times which call for increased productivity from every level of the organization.
  • The majority of his frontline staff were not college-educated and had never attended an out-of-town conference of any kind. In fact, many had never received classroom training of any kind, even on the premises.
  • This group of key employees was very concerned about the state of the business and the deteriorating status of our U.S. economy. In short, morale was low and self-confidence and self-esteem were far from what they should be to inspire the performance needed from this critical support staff.
  • Our client felt they needed a boost and wanted them to know how important their performance was to the success of the company in these trying times.
  • Therefore, he scheduled the entire staff to attend this presentation of “Productive Chaos” over several days of continuous sessions.

It’s been a few months now so I was certainly happy to hear from him this morning. In short, he was ecstatic. He rambled on for quite some time sharing the results of his risky decision. When he scheduled the seminar, he was honest in saying he wasn’t certain if the cost burden of training at this point was a wise decision. However, after seeing the results, he no longer uses the terms “cost” nor “burden.” He claims it was one of the best “investments” he’s ever made.

Let me cut to the chase. This is NOT a commercial for employee training. Paraphrasing our client’s feedback, he noted the following:

  • In the days following the training, he observed an obvious increase in productivity by the majority of his employees.
  • He observed more and better communication among individuals and departments.
  • He saw daily evidence of greater morale, better attitude, and enhanced confidence and pride among his employees.

At this point, I would love to tell you that these key outcomes were a direct result of our powerful “Productive Chaos” program content and our unique method of delivery. Sadly, that wasn’t the case.

In further discussion with our client, we agreed on the obvious. His staff differed little from other employees all across the nation today. They were beaten down and frustrated by daily media reports of a nation in demise. They were constantly exposed to reports that the future looks bleak and prospects of a turnaround grow more dismal by the day. In short, they were running out of gas and had little or nothing to look forward to.

Then our client gambled. He sent a subliminal message to his staff that they were indeed important and a crucial key to the company’s future success. The message was clear. They were important. They were needed. They were going to receive training with the expectation that performance and increased productivity would soon follow because their potential excellence was recognized, appreciated and a key ingredient for future success.

They were validated!

Sounds too simple doesn’t it? The results speak for themselves. People today want and need validation. The majority may not even be aware of it. I’ve seen it time and time again. A simple “thank you” or “good job” can make a difference. Eye contact, a smile, or a handshake can and will do wonders. People want to know that they possess value and can contribute in some way. Don’t you DARE underestimate the value of validation.

I don’t care who it may be …. a parent, child, spouse, friend, significant other, neighbor, vendor, client, employee or team member …. the results are the same. You’ll see greater pride, enhanced self esteem, increased performance and productivity, higher morale …. and the list goes on.

I saw it in the faces of those attending the training. They suddenly realized they were important enough to their company to receive training, to spend a day in a classroom increasing their ability and worth, to warrant their boss to bring in an outside speaker just for them. Of course, there were the typical number who didn’t care and refused to take part. There always are … but you don’t focus on those folks. You focus on those who care and appreciate your efforts. And the results cannot be denied.

I recently saw a video which so impressed me that I shared it on our blog. At the time, I honestly thought it was somewhat “corny.” However, 30 seconds into the content, I couldn’t turn it off. In fact I can’t believe I watched it to the end. It shared a very powerful message which should bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye and inspiration to your spirit. It should be shown to every parent, spouse, teacher, CEO, supervisor, manager, team leader, and team member everywhere. In addition, it should be shared in every classroom in the nation.

Today, with this call from our client, that video content was validated!

It’s worth your time to view it. Who knows, it may lead to the successful outcomes experienced by our courageous client who sent a special message to his staff. Can you spare a few minutes? What are you possibly doing that could be more important. Enjoy and prosper!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Creative 13-Year-Old Boy Finds a Need and Fills It

Do you know why kids are so creative? … and enthusiastic about it at the same time? It’s simple! They have yet to learn that they’re NOT creative.

An amazing study was once conducted among kindergartners that certainly illustrates this point. The children were given a white piece of paper with a medium-sized black dot in the center of the page. They were asked to describe what they saw. Here are just a few of the answers they recorded.

  • A squashed bug as seen from an airplane.
  • A snowman’s eye which fell into the snow as he ran away.
  • An ice-fisherman’s hole in the lake after he left.
  • A rabbit hole in a snow-covered back yard.
  • The top of a telephone pole in Alaska as seen by an astronaut.

The same picture was later shown to a group of seniors in high school, and the majority of them agreed on the same answer — a black dot on a white piece of paper!

What happened to this last group of students between their first and last years of school? They obviously lost their creativity, imagination, and resourcefulness. They had little or no desire to let their minds wander without the fear of rejection. Can you imagine what happened between their senior year and their first day in the work world? Frightening isn’t it?

Well, let me tell you about a young man who managed to avoid that sad transition.

His name is Hart Main, and he’s only 13 years old. This young entrepreneur has done for candles what Netflix did for movie rentals and Groupon has done for coupons. Last November his 12-year-old sister was selling candles to raise money for school. Hart, who wasn’t crazy about the girly scents, joked that there ought to be candles for guys — guys who didn’t want their bedrooms to smell like lavender soap or fresh laundry.

I’m sure a lot of people would agree with Hart. However, the difference between this young man and those people is very obvious. He took action! He did something about what he identified as a challenge.

He created a candle with a masculine aroma. He calls them “ManCans,” and they’re available in a variety of unique scents such as Grandpa’s Pipe, New Mitt, Fresh Cut Grass, Campfire, New York Style Pizza, Coffee, Dirt, Bacon, Crackerjack, Sawdust, Hot Coco, Buttered Popcorn, Bubblegum, and Breakfast in Bed (bacon coffee flapjacks).

He sells each ManCan for $9.50 and is certainly doing well for a startup. He’s averaging 300 orders a week and requests for his products are growing. Hart makes the candles in soup cans, so he purchases soup and donates it to local soup kitchens. He then returns the empty cans, and he and his mother make the candles in their kitchen. He orders oils from suppliers around his home state of Ohio and combines them with the wax. They’re currently looking for a space to rent as making the candles in the kitchen is getting out of hand.

Adults close to the 13-year-old entrepreneur are impressed how the 13-year-old has risen to the challenge of running his own company. Hart is apparently very much in charge of this business and is as hands-on as any CEO would be at the age of 50. He handles himself so well in media interviews and with the whole business that it’s amazing to watch, because you have to be reminded that this is a 13-year-old middle school student who simply wanted to be able to buy a bicycle with the extra money he would earn.

If a young man like this can capitalize on his creativity, most others can as well. In our creativity seminars, the majority of those attending deny they are creative. Is that true or are they in denial or unaware of their potential?

If you were given that piece of white paper with a black dot, what would you see?

Check out Hart’s website at www.man-cans.com. Listen to this young man as he describes his journey in this short video clip.

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Business Leader, Dare You Answer This Question?

I want to keep this short and sweet but very relevant to you and your concern for profits. After all, more than likely that’s one of the major reasons you’re in business.

In addition, I don’t expect you to believe what I have to say nor agree with it. However, if you’re a business person who IS concerned about costs, savings, and profits, you’ll read this article and investigate its content for relevance to your organization.

Another call came into our corporate office today asking the question we hear many times a day, every day, “How much does your training cost?” As usual, we pointed out that there is NO COST for our training. Not bad, huh? There is an INVESTMENT which is based on what you’re looking for … a half-day seminar, a full-day seminar, a seminar series, a boot camp, a keynote, a package, consulting, etc. Give us an idea of what you’re looking for, and we’ll gladly reveal the INVESTMENT you’ll need to make.

But wait! While you’re in the spirit of asking questions, consider a few of these:

  • What’s it going to cost us if we DON’T train our staff to make the necessary changes to deal with the ever-growing challenges causing chaos in today’s business world?
  • What’s it going to cost us if we settle for the lowest bidder we can find? We may save money but not provide the best training, tools, tips and strategies that our people need to grow, compete and succeed. Is that really saving us money? Inadequate, ineffective training at any cost is not a bargain!
  • What’s the difference between a “COST” and an “INVESTMENT”? Look up the formal definitions if you must, but you know that a good investment will yield a return that will keep you productive, profitable, competitive, and successful!
  • Can we spare the time to conduct training at this point? Here’s a better question. Can you afford NOT to strive for Continuous and Never-ending Improvement (CANI) for your staff at a time when your competition is doing exactly that? You’d better give that question some serious consideration!

One last question!

If you knew that productive, innovative, motivational training of your staff could do the following:

  • improve morale
  • empower your workforce
  • reduce turnover
  • enhance communication and teamwork
  • nurture greater creativity
  • provide better customer service
  • increase productivity and profitability

… would you consider what you paid as a “COST” or an “INVESTMENT”?

Check media reports to find examples of what’s happening in today’s business world, and you’ll find your answer in what leading companies are doing:

  • Disney is adding to the size of its parks while competitors merge, sell or close their doors.
  • McDonald’s is investing a billion dollars to enhance its facilities and menu while competitors downsize, merge, sell or struggle to keep their doors open.
  • The Super Bowl increases the price of a 30-second ad to a record $3.5 million.
  • The Big Three automakers are reopening closed plants, building new plants, and adding employees.

At this point you might think: “Sure, these companies can do these things because they’re so successful!” Re-frame that thought as you ask: “Are they doing these things because they’re successful, OR are they successful because they’re doing these things?”

COST or INVESTMENT? The choice is yours! The decision is critical! The answer can be life-changing!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Dealing with the Daunting Challenge That Most Organizations Don’t Even Acknowledge

Last week, I shocked a few readers with the following fact:


That means we’re going to see a mass exodus of key people who have the education, experience, and knowledge of our organizational culture. Those people are going to be very difficult to replace, and it certainly can’t happen overnight. Thus, there is the need for a combination of a strong mentoring strategy and a future leaders program to begin the development of potential candidates!

We’ve been very fortunate to be able to work with many clients in a wide variety of organizations from coast to coast as they seek, select and prepare potential leaders for the challenges they will soon face.

Let me share an abbreviated game plan revealing the crucial steps in this program which is growing in popularity.

Future Leaders

Most of our clients have decided to choose a creative name for the group of potential leaders they have selected for future leadership possibilities. While “Future Leaders” certainly describes the next generation of leaders, our clients have settled on a variety of creative monikers. Listed below are just a few:

  • Strike Force
  • Fast Trackers
  • Pace Team
  • Supreme Team
  • Transformation Team
  • C.A.N.I. (Continuous And Never-ending Improvement)Team

Criteria for Potential Leaders

  • A genuine interest in leadership
  • The desire to lead
  • The potential for leadership
  • Education and experience
  • Enthusiasm and positive attitude

Guidelines and Parameters for Those Selected

  • No title
  • No authority
  • No pay increase
  • No additional hours
  • No promises or guarantees

Benefits to Those Selected

  • Opportunity to attend meetings, conferences, trade shows, etc.
  • Opportunity to interact with leadership, customers, and vendors
  • Opportunity to attend Board Meetings and Focus Groups
  • Opportunity to get involved with special projects, R & D, etc.
  • Opportunity to lead, mentor and train others
  • Opportunity to experience various challenges of leadership
  • Smoother transition into leadership role when the time comes

Benefits to the Organization

  • Long-term preparation of employee for a leadership role
  • Increased productivity of candidate
  • Increased motivation of candidate
  • Increased productivity and motivation of fellow employees
  • Opportunity to observe candidate in action
  • Increased probability of success for candidate

Clients have worked with groups as small as three candidates at a time and as large as 35.

Some clients provide half-day or full-day formal training sessions weekly, monthly, or quarterly based on need and availability.

Those organizations that have utilized this unique program have been extremely satisfied with the results. The transition for candidates from this continuous training into an actual leadership role, when the need arises, has been extraordinarily smooth and flawless … providing a win-win situation for everyone involved.

For more information about the Future Leaders program, give us a call at 1-800-886-2629. You’ll be glad you did!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

The Daunting Challenge Facing Every Organization!

In answer to several inquires regarding our recent articles on the growing focus on leadership development, I’d like to provide you with an outline of our “Future Leaders” program.

The following data emphasizes the need and benefits of a program that more and more organizations are recognizing as essential to their future success.

Actual program content will obviously vary from client to client based on their current needs, personnel and future direction. However, a few critical decisions must be made prior to determining program content.

Shocking Reality!

We constantly hear about the growing unemployment numbers in the U.S. This unfortunate trend has led many to dismiss any concern about filling future positions in their leadership ranks. Growing numbers of those looking for work DOES NOT translate into an abundance of qualified candidates for leadership positions.


That means we’re going to see a mass exodus of key people who have the education, experience, and knowledge of our organizational culture. Those people are going to be very difficult to replace, and it certainly can’t happen overnight. Thus, there is the need for a combination of a strong mentoring strategy and a future leaders program to begin the development of potential candidates!

Those who feel they can’t afford such an investment at this time might be wise to research the enormous cost of reacting to this phenomenon after it takes its toll! A “tsunami” has taken target on the business world, and you’d better be prepared for it.

Watch our blog in the coming days to learn how to plan, prepare, promote and participate in what will obviously be one of the most crucial programs that can and will contribute to your future success!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.

Throw More Darts!

I find it both interesting and educational to watch how organizations react to a crisis of any kind. I don’t have to go into detail as to the many challenges we currently face in this country … especially in the business world.

However, upon close examination, there is an obvious pattern to how the business world reacts to these challenges. “Losers” and “also-rans” have a tendency to “play-it-safe,” “sit tight,” and “wait for business to return.” I see it every day.

Over the past year, I’ve also witnessed many of those companies cease to exist … falling victim to their own strategy. Some of the companies are well-known and have been around for some time.

On the other hand, you can witness the “winners” and “survivors” utilizing a different strategy. I like to call it “throwing more darts.” It’s actually very simple. When things stall and aren’t going well, they simply try new options. They add new products and services. They change the way they used to do things. They look for new opportunities or enhance existing strategies.

They often fail, but they keep trying until they discover a winning strategy. They feel that the more “darts” they throw at their target of success, the better chance they have of hitting it. They don’t feel that “sitting and waiting” is an option. It leads to destruction and death.

Don’t take my word for it. Watch the news. Note that leaders in every industry are constantly “throwing more darts” in their attempts to rebound, grow, and thrive in today’s challenging business environment. When they do hit a speed bump, it’s usually a temporary set-back because they continue to pursue their goals. They don’t dwell on set-backs … they continue their journey to success.

Ford and GM have enjoyed a tremendous comeback in recent months after experts predicted their demise. They did so by eliminating a herd of sacred cows in their efforts to discover successful alternatives to long-term challenges.

Starbucks is expanding its product line to grocery stores worldwide, recently established its first of many locations on cruise ships, and is now pursuing the challenge of bringing instant coffee to more than 500,000 hotel rooms across the country! Now that’s throwing darts!

McDonalds is investing more than a billion dollars to remodel its stores nationwide to include comfortable couches, fireplaces, big-screen TVs, and free Wi-Fi to lure customers at a time when its competitors are merging, selling, or going out of business as they play it safe waiting for business to return.

Two weeks after Netflix announced major price increases, Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, started streaming many movies the same day they come out on DVD. It now offers 20,000 titles that can be viewed on almost any device with Internet access, from computers to televisions to Sony’s PlayStation3 and other Blu-Ray disc players.

The strategy is obvious. The more darts you throw—the better your chance of hitting your target. Try new darts. Remodel your existing darts. Try a new method of propelling your darts. You may even want to change your target. Many will miss their mark. Throw more. I can promise you this—you’ll never hit the target with the darts you don’t throw! Think about it! Then take action!

About Harry K. Jones

Harry K. Jones is a motivational speaker and consultant for AchieveMax®, Inc., a company of professional speakers who provide custom-designed seminars, keynote presentations, and consulting services. Harry's top requested topics include change management, customer service, creativity, employee retention, goal setting, leadership, stress management, teamwork, and time management. For more information on Harry's presentations, please call 800-886-2629 or fill out our contact form.